In accordance with the requirements of the MBA, and with respect to the ACEM Regulation C1.4.1, the ACEM SIMG Assessment Committee will determine whether your qualifications, training and experience, in comparison to an Australian trained specialist in emergency medicine, is:
- Substantially Comparable
- Partially Comparable, or
- Not Comparable.
If you are assessed as Substantially Comparable or Partially Comparable, you will be advised of the specific requirements you will need to satisfactorily complete, to become eligible to apply for election to Fellowship and therefore attain specialist registration. The College will notify you and the MBA of this assessment outcome.
If you are assessed as Not Comparable, and are interested in obtaining specialist registration in emergency medicine with the MBA, you will need to apply for the FACEM Training Program at Training Stage 1, having met the necessary entry requirements. The College will notify you and the MBA, of this assessment outcome.
SIMG Pathway to ACEM Fellowship

View all the relevant fees.