Applicants must have completed specialist training or be in the final two years of an international specialist training program.
Application process
- Secure a Short-Term Training position by the employing authorities
- Apply to the Australian Medical Council (AMC) for primary source verification of your medical and if applicable specialist qualifications
- Complete the Medical Board of Australia AAMC-30 application form
- Submit the completed AAMC-30 application form to the College, with all required supporting documents, as detailed in AAMC-30, including a signed declaration of intention to return to your country of training
- The following supporting information must be provided by the employing hospital using their letterhead:
- Contract or letter of offer
- Training plan
- Position description
- Supervision plan and MBA SPPA-30 form
You will be invoiced for the Specialist in training application fee when your application has been received. Application will not be processed until all the required documents, in the format specified have been received, and the assessment fee have been paid.
Assessment criteria
If you are an International Medical Graduate (IMG), one of the main requirements for the eligibility of this pathway is that you have successfully completed the basic examinations of your specialist training program or satisfactorily completed a substantial part of your training (generally you are no more than two years from completing the requirements of your specialist training program).
If you are a Specialist International Medical Graduate (SIMG) you are also eligible to apply for STT position.
The College will also consider the extent to which the STT position will provide you with experience not normally available in your country of training. The College will not support STT applications for the purpose of filling workforce shortages alone.
The STT position does not lead to specialist recognition as it is intended to assist in developing the skills of specialists or specialists-in-training for use in their country of specialist training.
Assessment outcome
The College will notify you and the MBA of the assessment outcome.
On the basis of ACEM’s assessment, the MBA will decide whether to grant the applicant registration to enable them to occupy the Short-Term Training position they have been offered.
As with all College decisions, you have the right to seek reconsideration, review or appeal of your assessment decision under the Reconsideration, Review and Appeals Policy (COR355). These processes are handled confidentially and are conducted in accordance with the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness, and serve to provide a mechanism by which any individual who is dissatisfied with a College decision can seek redress without fear of reprisal.
The College’s general policies and guidelines can be viewed on our website.
ACEM Links

Australian Medical Council (AMC)

Medical Board of Australia (MBA)

Other useful links