Emergency medicine is a highly rewarding yet challenging career, with research and member feedback outlining the impact that the constant exposure to patient ill health and injury, and heavy physical and emotional demands can have on physician wellbeing. ACEM supports the health and wellbeing of its members and trainees, and the ACEM Wellbeing Award is part of a range of initiatives aimed at empowering ACEM members and trainees to lead culture change in emergency departments, hospitals and the profession as a whole.
Established in 2018, this annual award celebrates the initiative(s) of an individual member, group of members or an emergency department that have resulted in the enhancement of wellbeing for their emergency department colleagues. The award recognises those who are proactively putting in place a well thought through strategy to encourage and promote the physical and mental health of emergency department staff.
ACEM Past-President John Bonning says:
'Wellbeing is a collective responsibility. We have a duty to support and advocate for safe workplaces and systems that promote wellbeing and empower individuals to access solutions that work for them.
This award is timely and important recognition of the individuals, groups and emergency departments driving these initiatives and providing such crucial wellbeing support and systems for their peers, colleagues and departments.'
It is the responsibility of applicants to ensure that all eligibility and application requirements are met at the time of application. While applications will be checked to ensure validity, applicants will only be advised where requirements are not met if there is adequate time to do so in the context of normal administrative processes. No extensions will be granted to the closing date and time for applications where eligibility and application requirements are not met.
Any questions regarding this process can be sent to [email protected].
Who is Eligible?

ED (International)
Educational Affiliate
Honary Fellow
International Affliate
FACEM Trainee
EMC Trainee
EMD Trainee
SIMG Trainee
Community members
ACEM staff
Honour Roll

Year |
Awarded to |
Project / Initiative |
The Sutherland Hospital
A range of initiatives focused on staff wellbeing
University Hospital Geelong
Peer support program
Flinders Medical Centre ED
Reward and recognition monthly scheme, Charitable fundraisers, Fun scrub Fridays, ToastED
St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney ED
Wellbeing Coaching program, 'block leave cover'
Royal Hobart Hospital Emergency Department
A wellbeing strategy comprising of numerous wellbeing initiatives embedded in daily work practices
Rockingham General Hospital Emergency Department
Rockingham General Hospital ED Monthly Newsletter
QEII Emergency Department
The Wellness Interest Group
Dandenong Hospital ED
Establishing a wide range of welfare initiatives within the last 12 months
Dr Jenni Davidson and Dr Courtney Peros
Reflections on Wellbeing film
Sunshine Coast Hospital Emergency Department (Queensland)
A range of initiatives under a ‘Wellness Team’, including introduction of healthy food options, social functions, support of charities and reflective practices
St John of God Midlands Hospital Emergency Department (Western Australia)
A range of initiatives across their ED, including increased social functions, creative competitions, staff feedback activities and fundraising