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We seek to understand our emergency medicine workforce, the patient journey and outcomes, and to what extent our training programs are meeting the needs of trainees, patients and employers.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples experience EDs and emergency care differently to non-Indigenous Australians.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Non-Indigenous Presentations
Traumatology Talks: Black Wounds, White Stitches
Access block is the single most serious issue facing emergency departments in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. 2018-1 Access Block Point Prevalence 2017 Access Block Point Prevalence Survey ACEM Access Block webpage
Understanding how and where our emergency medicine workforce is working and the issues they face. FACEM and Trainee Demographic and Workforce Reports
New Fellows Early Career Survey
Annual Site Census Report
Workforce Sustainability Reports
Monitoring and evaluating ACEM’s education and training programs to ensure they are appropriate for trainees, employers and patients. DEMT Surveys Routine survey on the role of DEMTs and the provision of safe and appropriate training environments.
ED Trainee Placement Survey Findings Survey to assess the extent to which trainees are provided training and a training environment that are appropriate, safe and supportive.
Patients presenting to emergency departments for mental health related reasons routinely experience unacceptably long waits for access to mental health care.
Alcohol and drug related presentations to emergency departments have a significant impact on staff, resourcing and other patients. Find our archive of reports.
ACEM Literature review on the Australasian Triage Scale Membership Engagement Survey Key findings of the 2018 Membership Engagement Survey examining member’s satisfaction with membership, member benefits, communications, awareness of governance structures and work in advocacy.
For further information contact: ACEM Research Team t +61 (3) 9320 0444 e [email protected]
Media enquiries: General Manager – Communications and Media t +61 3 8679 8813 or +61 498 068 023 e [email protected]