In line with the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) legislation, please be aware that as of 1 March 2024, the Diploma of Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine, Emergency Medicine Diploma and Emergency Medicine Advanced Diploma will be known as the Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine Training Program, Intermediate Emergency Medicine Training Program, and Advanced Emergency Medicine Training Program, respectively. ACEM is currently in the process of transitioning all documents to reflect this change. Meanwhile, any reference to "Diploma" and "Advanced Diploma" within this webpage and documents linked on this page should be replaced with the new title. Find out more here.
Who is This Program Designed For?
The FEMTP is a training program that is beneficial for all doctors and is suited to and intended for doctors working:
- in an emergency department with access to off-site advice and rapid access to on-site critical care support; or
- as part of the team in an emergency department with senior assistance available on the floor when needed.
At the completion of training, FEMTP doctors will have the knowledge and skills to manage and treat patients with common emergency presentations. FEMTP doctors will also have basic knowledge and skills relating to:
- Prioritisation
- Risk management.
- Detecting red flags of serious illness.
- Carrying out an initial focused assessment of an undifferentiated patient.
- Delivering safe patient care in a modern emergency care system.
Eligibility and How to Apply

To meet the eligibility criteria to enroll in the revised FEMTP, you must:
- Hold general, provisional or limited registration with the Medical Board of Australia (MBA); or
- Hold general or provisional scope registration with the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ); and
- Be in your second or subsequent postgraduate year; and
- Not be enrolled in the FACEM Specialist Training Program, IEMTP or AEMTP Training Programs, or the ACEM Specialist IMG Program.
Apply now by completing the FEMTP Enrolment Form.
Recognition of Prior Learning
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) refers to the assessment and acceptance of evidence of relevant knowledge, skills, and competencies attained through formal training in another medical education program or jurisdiction.
Please review the policy for Recognition of Prior Learning Towards Training in the Foundational, Intermediate and Advanced Emergency Medicine Training Programs. The policy outlines what documentation/evidence is required to be included in your application.
Apply for RPL using the online application form.
Please note that applications for RPL must be received no later than one (1) calendar month of commencement in the applicable training program.
If you have any questions or need additional help, please contact [email protected]
FEMTP Program Training Requirements

Training Requirements
Training and Assessment Requirements
Training Time Requirements
6 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Months ED
Meetings with Primary Supervisor
Start of Placement and Reflection Meetings
Workplace Based Assessment Requirements
- 5 Mini-CEX
- 6 DOPS
- 2 CbD
- Procedural Checklist
ALS2 or NZ equivalent
Online Modules
Indigenous Health & Cultural Competency
Supervision Requirements
Primary Supervisor (EMATP Supervisor)
30% of clinical time under the direct supervision of an ACEM Clinical Supervisor.
Training Site Requirements
- 1 FTE FACEM, one of whom is an EMATP Supervisor; or
- 1 FTE Advanced Diplomate or Diplomate or Associate and 0.5 FTE FACEM, who are both EMATP Supervisors
Online Examination
FEMTP Online Multiple Choice Questions exam
All program components must be completed within two years from your enrolment date.
ED Training 

The six FTE months of ED training is undertaken in an ED that meets the staffing requirements of the program, with a Primary Supervisor overseeing and guiding your training.
Training can be undertaken full time (38 hours per week) or part time at a minimum of 0.25 FTE hours per week (9.5 hours per week). You can complete training in blocks of a minimum of six FTE weeks at a time, however you must be able to complete the ED training time requirements within the two-year time limit.
Training can commence on any day as ACEM does not have intakes at specified times of the year. ACEM does not back date your start date for any ED time completed previously, so please ensure that your application reaches us before or on the date that your ED placement starts.
Guidance on Dual Training
Should a trainee decide that they wish to undertake another specialty training program at the same time as their ACEM EMATP Training Program, it is their responsibility to ensure that they are able to maintain and meet all regulations and requirements of the EMATP Training program.
Where Can I Do My ED Training?

Training can be completed at emergency departments that meet the staffing requirements of the FEMTP Training program:
- 1 FTE Fellow of ACEM (FACEM), with at least 1 FACEM an EMATP Supervisor; or
- 0.5 FTE ACEM Advanced Diplomate/Diplomate/Associate (Adv/Int) and 0.5 FTE FACEM, who are both EMATP Supervisors.
* If your proposed emergency department does not meet these requirements you may still be able to complete training at the site. Training may include two weeks (FTE) at a second site to fulfil supervision requirements. Contact the EMATP Team at the time of enrolment to discuss your training site requirements.
ACEM doesn’t organise training placements for trainees, this is something you must organise before you commence the program.

Every trainee must have a Primary Supervisor who has oversight of your trainee progression through the program. Each trainee must select their own Primary Supervisor who is one of the following:
- A Fellow of ACEM (FACEM), or
- An ACEM Advanced Diplomate or
- ACEM Diplomate
- ACEM Associate who has completed the ACEM Clinical Supervision Online Modules and the EMATP Supervisor Workshop.
All Primary Supervisors must have completed the ACEM Clinical Supervision Online Modules and the EMATP Supervisor Workshop and be working at least 0.5 FTE at the same site or health service as the trainee.
Your emergency medicine training must include 30% of direct supervision by an ACEM Clinical Supervisor. An ACEM Clinical Supervisor can be:
- A FACEM, or
- ACEM Advanced Diplomate who has completed the ACEM Clinical Supervision Online Modules and the EMATP Supervisor Workshop, or
- ACEM Diplomate who has completed the ACEM Clinical Supervision Online Modules and the EMATP Supervisor Workshop.
- ACEM Associate who has completed the ACEM Clinical Supervision Online Modules and the EMATP Supervisor Workshop.
Change of Primary Supervisor
If a trainee requires a change in primary supervisor, please fill in the form below and return it to [email protected].
FEMTP Primary Supervisor Form

You will be required to complete a Start of Placement meeting with your Primary Supervisor, to establish learning intentions and goals for training.
You will be required to complete Reflection Meetings every three calendar months with your Primary Supervisor to reflect on training, learning and performance, and to gain formative feedback and establish further learning goals.
Workplace-Based Assessments (WBAs)
WBAs involve short periods of observation and/or discussion with a trainee in clinical practice, followed by structured feedback to the trainee and an assessment of the trainee's performance.
You are required to complete the following WBAs in the FEMTP Training Program:
- Five x Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercises (Mini-CEXs)
- Six x Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS)
- Two x Case-based Discussions (CbDs)
- One Procedural Checklist.
There are prescribed patient types and presentations required for each Mini-CEX, DOPs and CbD. See the Curriculum or Trainee Handbook for more detailed information.
Emergency Skills Workshop
You will be required to complete the Advanced Life Support 2 (ALS2) emergency skills workshop, or equivalent for New Zealand medical practitioners.
FEMTP EM Skills Workshops
Online Modules
You will be required to complete ACEMs Indigenous Health and Cultural Competency Online Modules.
Assessment Forms and Instructions
Start of Placement Meeting
Reflection Meetings
Mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercises (Mini-CEXs)
Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (DOPS)
Case-based Discussions (CbDs)
EMC Procedural Checklist
Approved Assessor Matrix

Online MCQ Examination
The FEMTP MCQ exam is completed online at your hospital under supervision. It is 90 minutes in duration and consists of 80 multiple choice questions based on the revised FEMTP Training Program Curriculum.
FEMTP Examination dates – 2025:
- 7 March 2025 (registration closes 14 February 2025)
- 20 June 2025 (registration closes 30 May 2025)
- 19 September 2025 (registration closes 29 August 2025)
To Register for an Examination:
Applications received after the closing date will not be accepted and the trainee will need to register for the next examination.
To Withdraw from an Examination:
If you wish to withdraw from an Foundational Emergency Medicine Training Program examination, please complete and submit the Examination Withdrawal Form.
Preparing for Examinations
To assist trainees with preparing for the examination, review the following information:
Program Completion

Please complete the Notification of Completion form once you have completed all your training time and assessment requirements, and the information has been entered onto your Assessment Summary Site.
Once you have submitted the Notification of Completion form the Associateship Training Team will contact you to finalise your Program, sending you a Letter of Completion. Certificates of Completion will usually be issued within two to three months of completing your program.
Withdrawal Form
To formally withdraw from the Associateship Training Programs, please complete the online notification of withdrawal. It is also recommended that you review the College’s Policy on Former FEMTP, IEMTP and AEMTP Trainees Re-entering the FEMTP, IEMTP and AEMTP Training Programs prior to making any decision.
FEMTP Curriculum

The Curriculum outlines the training and assessment requirements and learning objectives.
FEMTP Online Learning Modules

The FEMTP online learning modules are a series of audio, video, graphics, animation and online quizzes. Although not a compulsory element of the revised FEMTP they provide up to date information, links and resources that support your learning throughout the program and are highly recommended.

Regulation D: FEMTP, IEMTP and AEMTP Training Programs
These regulations should be read in conjunction with all relevant College policies and guidelines and the Training Handbook.
Training Handbook 

The Training Handbook outlines your training and assessment requirements, how to complete them, where to find more information and who to contact.

FEMTP Grant for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Maori Medical Practitioners
The FEMTP Grant for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Maori medical practitioners aims to increase the number of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori medical practitioners completing the FEMTP in Australia and New Zealand. Applications are open to FEMTP trainees who meet the eligibility criteria.
FEMTP Training Program Fee

Full details of the applicable fees can be found on our Fees and Payments page.
Contacts and Other Information

If you have any further questions, please contact the EMATP team at;
Ph: 61 3 8679 8872
Email: [email protected]