In 2022, the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) raised concerns with several medical colleges that the term ‘Diploma’ required ACEM and other colleges to be registered as a higher education provider with TEQSA under the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011. TEQSA requested all medical colleges that were not registered to cease using the term by the end of December 2023.
Throughout 2023, ACEM and other medical colleges impacted by this request engaged in discussions with TEQSA and the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care to advocate for change to legislation or find a solution that would allow the longstanding programs to retain the original titles, particularly given the standard and reputation of the existing programs.
On 18 January 2024, TEQSA officially advised ACEM that by the end of February 2024, the College, and all other medical colleges not registered with TEQSA, must cease conferring all programs using the name ‘Diploma’ and change the names and titles to comply with TEQSA Act. Failure to do so by this date would result in significant financial penalties. Therefore, ACEM has changed the names of its current training programs as outlined below.
Current Program Name
Before 1 March 2024
New Program Name
After 1 March 2024
New Post-nominals
(for new ACEM members completing programs after 1st March 2024)
Emergency Medicine Diploma
Associateship in Intermediate Emergency Medicine
AACEM (Intermediate)
Emergency Medicine Advanced Diploma
Associateship in Advanced Emergency Medicine
AACEM (Advanced)
Diploma of Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine
Associateship in Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine
It is important to note that the change is only to the names of the programs and postnominals. The curriculum, requirements, standard of assessments, processes, and skills and knowledge obtained through completing these programs are not changing.
Completing the programs continues to result in eligibility to become an Associate Member with ACEM and use of the relevant postnominals.
Over the coming months, ACEM will be working intensively to update the handbooks, regulations, policies, training portals, and other such communications that reference the Diplomas to reflect the new names, in accordance with extended period granted by TEQSA to update the associated material and information.
To ensure consistency across the College's offerings, from 31 August 2024, the Emergency Medicine Certificate Training Program will be renamed to Associateship in Foundational Emergency Medicine. This change aligns with the naming conventions of our other educational programs — Intermediate and Advanced Associateships in Emergency Medicine. Also, this new name reflects the foundational role this program plays in the professional development of our members while also emphasising its alignment with the broader spectrum of ACEM’s educational pathways.
It is important to note that the change is only to the name of the program and the postnominal. The curriculum, requirements, standard of assessments, processes, skills and knowledge obtained through completing the program will remain the same.
Current Program Name
Before 31 August 2024 |
New Program Name
For trainees who register after 31 August 2024 |
Current Post-nominals
Up until 31 March 2025 to allow current trainees to complete the training program |
New Post-nominals
For new ACEM members who complete the training program after 31 March 2025 |
Emergency Medicine Certificate |
Associateship in Foundational Emergency Medicine |
Cert EM (ACEM) |
AACEM (Foundational) |
Why is ACEM changing the names of its Diploma qualifications?

The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) has legislated that as of 1 March, 2024, ACEM and other medical colleges can no longer offer or confer a higher education award (including a Diploma) or, represent that it offers or confers, or will offer or confer, a regulated higher education award (including a Diploma). Further information on why TEQSA made this decision can be found on their website here.
What is TEQSA?

Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency - Australia’s independent quality assurance and regulatory agency for higher education. They are responsible for regulating and assuring the quality of higher education in Australia and approve non-university providers the ability to issue Bachelor degrees, Associate degrees, Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas and Postgraduate awards (Graduate Certificates and Diplomas, Masters and Doctoral degrees).
Are these changes from TEQSA affecting other Medical Specialist Colleges?

Yes, all Specialist Medical Colleges who confer Diploma training programs will be required to change the name of these qualifications as of 1 March 2024 or apply to TEQSA to become an approved higher education provider. As a not-for-profit members organisation whose training programs do not follow TEQSA’s requirements, applying to become a higher education provider and the associated costs would not benefit our trainees or members.
What are the changes being made to the existing EMD, EMAD and DipPHRM training programs? 

No changes are being made to the training program curriculum and requirements, or the prestigious recognition associated with obtaining these ACEM qualifications. The only change is to the naming convention, which from March 1, 2024, will be:
- The Emergency Medicine Diploma (EMD) will now be known as the Intermediate Emergency Medicine Training Program (IEMTP)
- The Emergency Medicine Advanced Diploma (EMAD) will now be known as the Advanced Emergency Medicine Training Program (AEMTP)
- The Diploma of Pre-Hospital & Retrieval Medicine (DipPHRM) will now be known as the Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine Training Program (PHRMTP)
Will my training program content/requirements change? 

No, there are no changes to the training program content, curriculum or requirements. The training programs will remain as they are, only the name will change.
Will the timeframe for completion of the programs change? 

No, all program’s completion timeframes will remain the same. Please check your enrolment information for your end of program date.
If I enrol before 1 March, will I be awarded a Diploma/Advanced Diploma?

No, all trainees who are still enrolled in these programs come 1 March 2024, will be awarded the new titles.
If I complete my existing program after 1 March, what qualification will I be awarded with? 

The qualification you will be awarded and conferred with will use the new training program titles.
Will this affect my current membership as a Diplomate or Advanced Diplomate? 

No. Medical practitioners who have been conferred a Diploma by ACEM prior to 1 March 2024, will be able to continue to use the diploma title.
Can I still use the post nominals with ‘Diploma’ and ‘Advanced Diploma’?

If you are a member of ACEM and were conferred with the Diploma or Advanced Diploma before 1 March 2024, you can continue to use these post-nominals.
Will there be any individual exceptions to the TEQSA ruling? 

No. Unfortunately, this is a change that affects all trainees enrolled in Diploma and Advanced Diploma training programs. ACEM has no discretion as to who the changes apply to.
I will finish my program before March 1, will I still be awarded the EMD/AD or DipPHRM?

Yes, if all requirements are met before 1 March 2024 then you will be awarded and conferred with an Emergency Medicine Diploma/Advanced Diploma or Diploma of Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine.
Will there be any changes to the program fees? 

No, this name change will not affect current program fees.
When did ACEM become aware of this change?

Discussions with TEQSA on the Diploma & Advanced Diploma titles have been ongoing since late in 2022. ACEM and other medical colleges explored all available options including what would need to be done to retain the titles and potential timeframes should there be a transition. In January 2024, ACEM was instructed by TEQSA to cease using the Diploma & Advanced Diploma titles by the end of February. You can read a statement from TEQSA on this here.
Who can I talk to about these changes? 

ACEM can assist you with any further questions you may have.
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Phone: (03) 9320 0444
Can TEQSA provide more information? 

I only have exams to complete, can I still receive the ‘Diploma/Advanced Diploma’? 

No. Only trainees who have completed all requirements (including exams) before 1 March 2024 will be awarded the Diploma or Advanced Diploma titles.