A submission is a response from ACEM to an external consultation on a particular issue/document that has some impact on emergency medicine. ACEM may not be the primary subject matter expert on the issue or have jurisdiction. However, ACEM may have a professional interest or be concerned regarding the impact of the matter on its members and/or the community. While it may cross reference ACEM statements, a submission addresses a specific document/topic, generally through reference to structured consultation questions. As such, a submission is largely specific to a time, place, circumstance and particular articulation of an issue, sometimes having a short ‘shelf life’.
Submissions have therefore been added to the library selectively, based on both currency and status. For example, an ACEM response to a Royal Commission will likely be a comprehensive and enduring College document reflecting the interests and concerns of emergency medicine across a range of issues within a subject area and will be included in the library.