FACEM trainees have the opportunity to complete their core training requirements in various ED settings such as large metro hospitals, paediatric or private EDs, or rural and regional sites each of which provides different training experiences.
Trainees also complete core training requirements outside of the ED in Non-ED and Critical Care placements. Trainees arrange employment themselves and to have this time certified towards their training requirements they must be completed at sites accredited or approved by ACEM. You may wish to use our Site Information Guide and Regional, Rural and Remote Placement Information Guide to assist you in the planning of your training sites and rotations.
To ensure that trainees obtain a breadth of experience there are core minimum requirements as to where placements are to be completed as well as limits on how long trainees can spend at various sites.
For details on these requirements and managing your training please refer to the relevant Training Handbook.
Accredited emergency department (ED) training sites
Accredited ED training sites are Emergency Departments that meet ACEM's criteria to provide core ED training for the FACEM Training Program.
When choosing a site for your training, trainees should be aware of the site limits relating to each hospital and incorporate this into your training program planning. Training site limits refer to the time a trainee may spend at a particular site relating to core ED training. Training site limits are set by the College through the accreditation process and are based on case-mix, presentation and supervision, and other such measurements.
To find out more about the accreditation standards please visit the Site Accreditation page.
Accredited ED training sites
Emergency Department
Emergency Medicine Training Networks
Accredited non-ED training sites
FACEM trainees complete training placements outside of the ED in Critical Care settings such as ICU and Anaesthetics as well as Non-ED.
To complete core Critical Care training, the choice is limited to placements in Intensive Care and/or Anaesthetics that are accredited by CICM or ANZCA. A small number of placements are also accredited by ACEM.
To complete core Non-ED training, the choice is much greater and can be completed in a specialty that is recognised by the AMC or MCNZ such as Psychiatry, General Medicine or in a discipline that is accredited by ACEM as a special skills placement. Trainees who would like to complete their Non-ED training in General Practice, see below as there is a different approval process.
Special Skills Category

If trainees wish to train at a site that is not accredited for Non-ED training by another Specialist College, an application for a one-off certified training placement in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand can be submitted. A ‘Category T’ application form must be completed and the placement approved prior to the placement starting to ensure training time will accrue to training requirements.
Alternatively ACEM has already accredited a number sites for Non-ED placements that are not approved by other Specialist Colleges but can accrue towards meeting training requirements. View the list of these sites.
Find out more, including specific details for accredited special skills terms on the Training Site Accreditation page.
Other Non-ED

These include all other Non-ED specialties accredited by other medical colleges. ACEM recognises training in these specialties if the training post is approved for the Fellowship program by the related specialist college.
AMC/MCNZ Approved Specialties.
Check if the selected site is accredited by the respective specialist medical college in the table below.
If your preferred site is not accredited, please contact the ACEM training team to discuss alternative options.
Maximum allowable training
Certifiable as
If the training site is accredited for specialist training in the nominated sub/specialty by
12 months
Six months
Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
Six months
Hyperbaric Medicine
General Practice and/or Urgent Care
Six months in total
General Practice
Urgent care
Intensive Care Medicine
12 months
Intensive Care Medicine
Medical Administration*
Six months
Medical Administration
12 months
General Medicine
RACP (Adult) or RACP (P&CH)
Six months
Any other specialty field recognised by RACP, including:
Six months
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Six months
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Pain Medicine
Six months
Pain Medicine
Six months
General Pathology
Six months
Six months
General Radiology
Sports and Exercise Medicine
Six months
Sports and Exercise Medicine
12 months
General Surgery (adult or paediatric)
Six months
Any other specialty field recognised by RACS, including:
Orthopaedic Surgery
Plastic Surgery
Vascular Surgery
General Practice

Training undertaken in a general practice setting must be approved by RACGP, ACRRM or RNZCGP specifically for GP registrar training purposes (any other level of accreditation will not be approved). You must receive prior approval from ACEM for all general practice training will be certified towards your Non-ED training requirements.
To apply for pre-approval complete the form below.
If you can't see the form embedded above, access it here.
Training Stage Four (TS4)
In the 2022 FACEM Training Program, Training Stage 4 (TS4) comprises six (6) FTE months of core ED training and six (6) FTE months of Elective (ED or Non-ED) training with a specific focus on leadership and management skills in preparation for life as a FACEM.
This year of training means that sites will need to meet additional accreditation requirements that align to specific learning outcomes and the training requirements of TS4.
Trainees will only be able to have training time certified towards their TS4 training requirements if the site is approved for TS4 training and this is required for both ED and Non-ED placements. Trainees should make sure their site is TS4 accredited before applying for a position at that site.
Information on the accreditation standards and process for TS4 can be found on the FACEM Training Program Accreditation - Training Stage 4 page.
The below video provides an overview of Training Stage Four.
Accreditation changes from 2022
In February 2022, all sites were transitioned to a three-tier system of accreditation and will have until January 2024 to meet any new requirements that may be applicable. All sites will be required to comply with the new requirements from the start of 2024.
These changes will impact trainees on the pre-2022 FACEM training program, but for almost all sites the site limit allowance has been increased.
Accreditation transition for emergency departments
Previous Accreditation Level
Revised Accreditation Level
18–24 months ED
Tier 1 – 36 months
6 and 12 months ED
Tier 2 – 24 months
6 months Linked ED
Tier 3 - 12 months
Paediatric ED
Paediatric ED – 12 months
Private ED
Private ED – 12 months