The assessment of your suitability to fill an AoN position does not involve a specialist recognition assessment for the purpose of attaining specialist registration with the Medical Board of Australia. You may apply to the College for Concurrent Assessment which includes both the Specialist and AoN assessment.
Application process
If you have been offered an AoN position by a hospital, health service or other employing authority, you are required to apply to the College for assessment of your suitability for that AoN position.
- Apply to the Australian Medical Council (AMC) for primary source verification of your medical and specialist qualifications
- Complete the Application form attaching documents as below:
- Curriculum vitae using the ACEM Curriculum Vitae template.
- All required supporting documents as specified on the Application form, including the AoN declaration and location details of the AoN position with a position description, employer details and the offer of employment.
- Submit your application to the College
- You will be invoiced for the AoN assessment fee when your application has been received.
Applications will not be processed until all the required documents, in the format specified, and the assessment fee have been received.
AoN Assessment
The AoN position assessment will determine whether you are suitable for the AoN position.
Once received, your AoN application is forwarded to the Chair of the SIMG Assessment Committee for assessment. You may be invited to attend an assessment interview if further information is required.
Assessment Criteria

The following criteria may be considered to determine your suitability for the position:
- The comparability of your completed specialist training program with the FACEM Training Program
- Subsequent practice as a specialist in emergency medicine
- Regarding the AoN position:
- The on-call and roster arrangements for consultant staff within the AoN emergency department
- Where applicable, the on-call and roster arrangements for consultant anaesthetists and intensive care specialists within the hospital
- The number, if any, of ACEM Fellows and trainees (specialist, diploma, certificate) working in the emergency department.
Assessment Outcome

You, your employer, and the MBA will be notified of the outcome of the assessment.
If assessed as suitable for the AoN position, ACEM will recommend to the MBA that you are eligible to be granted the appropriate medical registration.
If your application is unsuccessful, as with all College decisions, you have the right to seek reconsideration, review or appeal of your assessment decision under the Reconsideration, Review and Appeals Policy (COR355). These processes are handled confidentially and are conducted in accordance with the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness, and serve to provide a mechanism by which any individual who is dissatisfied with a College decision can seek redress without fear of reprisal.
The College’s general policies and guidelines can be viewed on the website.
Concurrent Assessment
Concurrent assessment involves determining both your suitability to fill an AoN position and your comparability to an Australian trained specialist in emergency medicine, for the purposes of attaining specialist registration with the MBA.
To apply for concurrent assessment, you will have to follow the application process outlined for AoN assessment as above. In addition, you are required to pay the concurrent assessment fee and to indicate in the application form, Section 1, that you wish to be assessed for both Specialist Pathway – Specialist Recognition and Specialist Pathway - Area of Need position.
The assessment processes for Specialist Assessment and suitability for the AoN position will be conducted as outlined on the relevant pages.
Assessment Outcome

You will be provided with separate outcomes for Specialist Assessment and suitability for the AoN position as outlined in the relevant pages.
If your application is unsuccessful, as with all College decisions, you have the right to seek reconsideration, review or appeal of your assessment decision under the Reconsideration, Review and Appeals Policy (COR355). These processes are handled confidentially and are conducted in accordance with the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness, and serve to provide a mechanism by which any individual who is dissatisfied with a College decision can seek redress without fear of reprisal.
The College’s general policies and guidelines can be viewed on the website.
For full details on the Area of Need and/or assessment process, please review:
Useful Links
ACEM Links

Australian Medical Council (AMC)

Medical Board of Australia (MBA)

Other useful links