In line with the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) legislation, please be aware that as of 1 March 2024, the Diploma of Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine, Emergency Medicine Diploma and Emergency Medicine Advanced Diploma will be known as the Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine Training Program, Intermediate Emergency Medicine Training Program, and Advanced Emergency Medicine Training Program, respectively. ACEM is currently in the process of transitioning all documents to reflect this change. Meanwhile, any reference to "Diploma" and "Advanced Diploma" within this webpage and documents linked on this page should be replaced with the new title. Find out more here.

Who is This Program Designed For?

The FEMTP is a training program that is beneficial for all doctors and is suited to and intended for doctors working:

  • in an emergency department with access to off-site advice and rapid access to on-site critical care support; or
  • as part of the team in an emergency department with senior assistance available on the floor when needed.

At the completion of training, FEMTP doctors will have the knowledge and skills to manage and treat patients with common emergency presentations. FEMTP doctors will also have basic knowledge and skills relating to:

  • Prioritisation
  • Risk management.
  • Detecting red flags of serious illness.
  • Carrying out an initial focused assessment of an undifferentiated patient.
  • Delivering safe patient care in a modern emergency care system.

  • Eligibility and How to Apply
  • EMC Program Training Requirements
  • ED Training
  • Where Can I Do My ED Training?
  • Supervision
  • Assessment
  • Examinations
  • Program Completion
  • FEMTP Curriculum
  • FEMTP Online Learning Modules
  • Regulations
  • Training Handbook
  • FEMTP Grant
  • FEMTP Training Program Fee
  • Contacts and Other Information