ACEM recognises that increasing the knowledge, networking opportunities and professional recognition of doctors or other emergency care health professionals from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is an essential step in reducing health disparities experienced in these countries.
The purpose of the ACEM Foundation Global Emergency Care Scholarship is to provide opportunities and benefits for the awardee, the country of origin of the awardee, and for ACEM Fellows and trainees. Doctors or other emergency care health professionals from LMICs are supported to attend the ACEM Annual Scientific Meeting to promote and support emergency care in LMICs; promote the work of ACEM fellows and trainees in LMICs; and enhance the status of emergency medicine and emergency care development in LMICs within the College.
Who is Eligible?

ED (International)
Educational Affiliate
Honary Fellow
International Affliate
FACEM Trainee
EMC Trainee
EMD Trainee
SIMG Trainee
Community members
ACEM staff
Honour Roll