It is the responsibility of applicants to ensure that all eligibility and application requirements are met at the time of application. While applications will be checked to ensure validity, applicants will only be advised where requirements are not met if there is adequate time to do so in the context of normal administrative processes. No extensions will be granted to the closing date and time for applications where eligibility and application requirements are not met.
The John Gilroy Potts Award is an award made to the author of an article published in a refereed journal, the content of which made a significant contribution to emergency medicine. It is an award made in the pursuit of truth, knowledge, and wisdom by physicians in emergency medicine.
Dr John Potts is a Foundation Fellow of ACEM. In his early career he worked in general practice and in overseas postings with the Federal Department of Health and Immigration. Dr Potts subsequently spent much of his working life developing and enhancing the practice of emergency medicine in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and contributed to the development of emergency medicine as a specialty.
Who is Eligible?

ED (International)
Educational Affiliate
Honorary Fellow
International Affliate
FACEM Trainee
EMC Trainee
EMD Trainee
SIMG Trainee
Community members
ACEM staff
✓ |
✓ |
Honour Roll

Awarded to
Title of Paper
Dr Peter Jones
Emergency department crowding and mortality for patients presenting to emergency departments in New Zealand
Dr Carolyn Hullick
Reducing Hospital Transfers from Aged
Care Facilities: A Large-Scale Stepped Wedge Evaluation
Lead Author: Clinical Professor Katie Walker
Co-Authors: Associate Professor Michael Ben-Meir, Dr Rachel Rosler, Dr Adam West, Dr Gabrielle O'Connor, Associate Professor Thomas Chan, Dr Diana Badcock, Dr Mark Putland, Dr Kim Hansen, Associate Professor Carmel Crock, and Dr David Taylor
Impact of scribes on emergency medicine doctors’ productivity and patient throughput: multicentre randomised trial
Lead Author: Dr Colin Page
Co-Authors: Dr Geoff Isbister, Dr Katherine Isoardi, Dr Stephen Rashford and Dr Frances Williamson
A Prospective Before and After Study of Droperidol for Pre-hospital Acute Behavioural Disturbance
Lead Author: Dr Peter Jones
Co-Authors: Dr Alana Harper and Dr James Le Fevre
Impact of a national time target for emergency department length of stay on patient outcome
Lead Author: Dr Geoff Isbister
Co-Authors: Dr Colin Page, Dr Michael Downes, Dr Betty Chan, Dr Frances Kinnear, Dr Luke Wheatley and Dr David Spain
The Safety and Effectiveness of Droperidol for Sedation of Acute Behavioural Disturbance in the Emergency Department
Lead Author: Dr Geoff Isbister
Co-Authors: Professor Simon Brown, Professor Daniel Fatovich, Dr Stephen Macdonald, Dr Colin Page and Dr Ovidiu Pascu
Randomised controlled trial of intravenous antivenom versus placebo for latrodectism: the second redback antivenom evaluation (RAVE-II) study trial
Lead Author: Professor Simon Brown
Co-Authors: Dr Geoffrey Isbister, Professor Daniel Fatovich, Associate Professor Anna Holdgate, Professor Tony Celenza, Dr Adam Coulson, Dr Leanne Hartnett and Dr Yusuf Nagree
Anaphylaxis: Clinical patterns, medi