This is a great opportunity to hear from experts about successes and challenges in emergency care, the range of factors contributing to these outcomes, and how to develop teams and cultures that result in a safe emergency department.

Back by popular demand will be “The Stories That Stay with Us”, as well as “Under the Microscope: Avoiding Adverse Events in a System Under Pressure”, “Mental Health presentations in the ED”, “Trainee Focus – QI Initiatives” and more.

As a fully online experience with low registration fees, attendees will benefit from improved accessibility and flexibility, including the chance to take part in the event live alongside your emergency medicine peers. Eligible participants will also be able to record the complete workshop against their annual CPD requirements.

We look forward to welcoming you to the next Patient Safety Workshop 2025!

Note: This workshop was previously scheduled for Friday 28 March 2025 but has now been rescheduled to Tuesday 16 September 2025.

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