The Policy for the transition from the 2022 FACEM Training Program to the Associateship in Foundational Emergency Medicine or Associateship in Intermediate Emergency Medicine or Associateship in Advanced Emergency Medicine programs indicates the modules and assessments to be completed to achieve the FEMTP, IEMTP or AEMTP.

What can I receive RPL for? 

Procedural Checklist 

To have the procedures on the FEMTP, IEMTP and AEMTP Procedural Checklist and DOPs assessed for RPL this can completed by: 

1. Submitting the checklist, with the date and signature of your most current Director of Emergency Medicine Training (DEMT) for each procedure with your application. Any individual procedures that are not signed by the DEMT will need to be completed once you are enrolled in the FEMTP, IEMTP or AEMTP. 


2. Through verification of completion of an individual Work-place based Assessment (WBA) assessment DOPS assessed as independent level of practice during the FACEM Training Program in your ACEM Training Record.


To be assessed for RPL for the Advanced Skills workshop requirement you must submit current and valid certificates of competency, with your application form, for any of the following emergency skills workshops that you have completed: 

  • Advanced Life Support 2 (ALS2) 
  • Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) 
  • Early Management of Severe Trauma (EMST), or Emergency Trauma Management (ETM). 
  • For the Ultrasound courses you will need to submit a confirmation letter from your DEMT or Supervisor that you have completed an appropriately credentialed ultrasound courses as outlined in the Training Handbook and Ultrasound Course Requirement document
  • Note there is no exemption from the ACEM Certificate & Associateship Training Programs Supervisor Course. 

Incomplete applications will not be processed. If any supporting documentation cannot be provided at the time the application form is submitted or, if further documentation is required, it must be received within one month of the date originally requested. If not, the original application will be withdrawn, and a new application must be submitted. 

You cannot be concurrently enrolled in the FACEM Training Program and either the FEMTP, IEMTP or AEMTP. After receiving your RPL outcome, you will need to formally withdraw from the FACEM Training Program before enrolling in the FEMTP, IEMTP or AEMTP. 

How Do I Apply?  

The FACEM Training Program record is used as the basis for assessing and verifying the RPL to be awarded. Supporting documentation must also be submitted to verify the procedures and workshop requirements of the FEMTP, IEMTP and AEMTP. 

Step 1: Submit an online application form for assessment, including all supporting documentation. Before beginning the application process, please make sure you have the relevant supporting documentation ready. 

Step 2: ACEM staff verify the requirements of the FEMTP, IEMTP and AEMTP against your FACEM Training Program training record and supporting documentation. Your application will then presented to the Council of Education (COE) approved delegate/s for consideration. 

Step 3: The COE approved delegate/s determines the RPL to be awarded and any outstanding requirements to be completed. 

Step 4: ACEM staff notify you of the RPL outcome and provides an enrolment form for the relevant program. 

Step 5: Complete and submit the enrolment form and pay the enrolment fee. Withdrawal from the FACEM Training program must be received prior to processing of the enrolment for FEMTP, IEMTP or AEMTP. 

The RPL, for individual components of the FEMTP, IEMTP or AEMTP, within each category is determined on a case-by-case basis and dependent on the training requirements and assessments completed during the FACEM Training Program. The components required to be completed will be provided in a letter for each applicant together with an enrolment form after a review by the COE approved delegate. 
If you do not enrol within 60 days of receipt of your outcome, you will be required to submit a new application form for re-assessment. 
If you have completed additional FACEM Training Program requirements since your last assessment outcome letter, you will be required to submit a new application for assessment. 


Transition into FEMTP, IEMTP or AEMTP Application Form


Application Fee 

There is no fee to assess and determine the RPL awarded. The application for assessment is not an enrolment into the program. 

Enrolment Fee 

The enrolment fee payable will vary depending on the amount of RPL awarded into the relevant program. For more information on enrolment fees please refer to Fees and payments


  • How will I know how what RPL I may be eligible for?
  • Do I need to print my assessments?
  • Do I have to withdraw from FACEM training before I apply?
  • How do I maximise the RPL I can get between programs?
  • What if I withdrew or was removed from FACEM training prior to 2015?
  • I haven’t done the DOPS required for RPL but my supervisor has seen me do it, do I need to still complete them in the EMC, EMD or EMAD programs?
  • Can I submit paper DOPS completed as part of the FACEM training program?
  • I have received my outcome to my RPL application and I want to start the EMC / EMD / EMAD and have outstanding DOPs but I am not working in ED.
  • I completed some Critical Care time during FACEM Training, will this be recognised as part of the RPL application?
  • Do I need to have a primary supervisor?
  • Where can I find information about the exams?
  • Q. When is the latest date that I can apply to transition to EMC, EMD, or EMAD, after I am no longer a FACEM trainee?


For more information, please contact the relevant departments on:
EMATP – [email protected]; phone: +61 3 8679 8872
Trainee Support[email protected]; phone: +61 3 8679 8874