The action plan is aligned to the same themes as the strategic vision, including leadership, research, advocacy, partnerships, education and culture.

Establish a framework for identifying, measuring, monitoring and reporting on performance indicators for environmentally sustainable practices within the organisation, including but not limited to energy consumption, water use, waste production and procurement.
Establish a regular mechanism for reporting sustainability performance indicators to the Board and the general membership.
Join the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals initiative, which supports health systems to reduce their carbon footprint and increase their resilience to climate change.

Incorporate a question in the Annual Site Census on sustainability measures (regarding employment of a sustainability officer, sustainability policies or other measures).
Undertake collaborative research into the impact of climate change on the hospital system and emergency departments.
Collate and disseminate quality, evidence-based literature/studies in relation to the impact of climate change on emergency departments (particularly those conducted by members).

Track and respond to key developments and/or initiatives in relation to climate change and health through varied means, including social media and media statements.
Respond to relevant calls for submission to highlight the impact of climate change on health and emergency departments.
Work with key partners to establish a case for change brief for emergency department directors or members to present to their hospital executives regarding the anticipated cost–benefits associated with implementing various sustainability practices from energy consumption, procurement and waste reduction.
Participate in Joint advocacy initiatives involving other peak bodies or medical colleges.
Next review of ED Design Guidelines should emphasise the importance of sustainability in emergency department design, such as in lighting, heating etc.

Identify potential partnerships and make both formal and informal approaches as appropriate to support the College’s position on climate change.
Establish partnerships with other climate change and health advocacy bodies.
Education and Training

Explore potential to incorporate public health topics in the curriculum.
Explore the potential to identify and accredit at least one climate change and health-related course, workshop, seminar or conference as a Continuing Professional Development activity for members and trainees, and encourage uptake among members and trainees. A focus on population health advocacy education would be expected.

Ensure that sustainability and examples from different emergency departments and emergency physicians are regularly featured in ACEM Communications such as Your ED, member Bulletin and social media; and encourage members to share examples and ideas.
For further information contact:
ACEM Policy Team
61 (3) 9320 0444
[email protected]
Media enquiries:
Andrew MacDonald
Manager - Media Relations
61 3 8679 8813 or +61 498 068 023
[email protected]