Toni Medcalf was an ACEM trainee with a passionate interest in education. She was an active participant in Advanced Paediatric Life Support, Paediatric Life Support and Instructor courses and volunteered her time extensively in regional and rural settings across Australia and the Pacific. Toni made a significant contribution to improving the health outcomes of the community through her work at Canberra Hospital where she was a well-respected and well-liked emergency medicine trainee.
This annual award seeks to recognise the outstanding personal contribution of one provisional or advanced trainee towards improving health outcomes for the Australasian community.
The Toni Medcalf Award highlights the importance of voluntary service which is the cornerstone of the ACEM philosophy and seeks to celebrate the significant achievements of an ACEM trainee.
Who is Eligible?

ED (International)
Educational Affiliate
Honary Fellow
International Affliate
FACEM Trainees (Female in a rural setting)
EMC Trainee
EMD Trainee
SIMG Trainee
Community members
ACEM staff
Honour Roll

Year |
Awarded to |
Dr Rob Mitchell
Dr Faye Jordan
Dr Sarah Aldington