ACEM aims to support and encourage research that is driven by the emergency care needs, gaps and priorities of developing countries and is performed in partnership and collaboration with researchers within these countries. The ACEM Global Emergency Care Research Award aims to achieve this by fostering collaborative research partnerships that involve equal exchange of skills and knowledge, recognising the importance of participatory action research and encouraging ACEM trainee interest (thereby increasing trainee exposure) in Global Emergency Care.
It is the responsibility of applicants to ensure that all eligibility and application requirements are met at the time of application. While applications will be checked to ensure validity, applicants will only be advised where requirements are not met if there is adequate time to do so in the context of normal administrative processes. No extensions will be granted to the closing date and time for applications where eligibility and application requirements are not met.
Email [email protected] for any questions relating to this honours.
Who is Eligible?

ED (International)
Educational Affiliate
Honorary Fellow
International Affliate
FACEM Trainee
EMC Trainee
EMD Trainee
EMAD Trainee
SIMG Trainee
Community members
ACEM staff
Honour Roll

Title of Paper
Lead Author: Dr Georgina Phillips
Co-Authors: Dr Shivani Shailin, Dr Dennis Lee, Dr Gerard O'Reilly, and Professor Peter Cameron
You can make change happen: Experiences of Emergency Medicine Leadership in the Pacific
Lead Author: Dr Georgina Phillips.
Co-Authors: Dr Anne Creaton, Pai Airdhill-Enosa, Dr Patrick Toito'ona, Berlin Kafoa, Dr Gerard O'Reilly and Professor Peter Cameron
Emergency care status, priorities and standards for the Pacific region: A multiphase survey and consensus process across 17 different Pacific Island Countries and Territories
Lead Author: Dr Georgina Phillips.
Co-Authors: Dr Dennis Lee, Shivani Shailin, Dr Gerard O'Reilly and Professor Peter Cameron
The Pacific Emergency Medicine Mentoring Program: A model for medical mentoring in the Pacific region, EMA (2019)31: 1092-1100.