Building Respect in Emergency Medicine  

Find out more about how ACEM is working to build Respect in emergency medicine to enact meaningful cultural change in the College and in emergency departments.  

Interviews and Articles 

In the summer 2022 edition of Your ED, College President Clare Skinner and Regional Wellbeing Champions, Minnie Seward and Mark Sagarin shared their thoughts on respect.

To me, respect is simple. It means that we treat every single person we encounter with dignity, without judgement, and appreciate and acknowledge the experiences that have shaped them.

Clare Skinner

By respecting each other's skills, knowledge, and limitations – we can create a positive work environment and the most optimal shared outcomes.

Minnie Seward 

Without our team working together respectfully, we can’t get much done.

Mark Sagarin 

If you would like to share your own story about Respect in emergency medicine, please reach out to the Membership and Culture team.