The EMET program lead hospitals (Hubs) work closely with local smaller emergency departments and emergency services providing educational support, guidance and feedback.

Of the over 600 hospitals with Emergency Departments (ED) or emergency services in Australia, only 25 percent are staffed by FACEMs. Hospitals without FACEMs are typically located in rural locations with clinical staffing models that include general practitioners, medical officers, nurses, paramedics and allied health workers.

For these locations, the EMET program gives much needed support in the form of education, training and supervision, to better equip the doctors and other healthcare providers at these hospitals to deal with critically ill or complex trauma patients.

Education is based on locally identified need and is mostly delivered at the regional site.

EMET also provides supervision and support for doctors working in EDs to complete the Emergency Medicine Associate Training Program (EMATP).

EMET Network

The EMET program supports 59 Hubs to deliver training and supervision to hospitals and health services with EDs or emergency services within their region. This training is delivered to over 540 health services nationally. The EMET Hubs and training sites are shown on the EMET network map (see below).

EMET Funding

EMET is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care’s – Specialist Training Program.

Applications for EMET funding is currently closed with funds allocated to 59 Hubs until the end of 2025. Eleven of these are new Hubs which were funded for the 2023.2 to 2025 period only.

Should further funding become available, request for expressions of interest (EOIs) will be advertised here and widely circulated.

  • EMET Hubs

Framework and Guidelines

The EMET Framework and Guidelines provide more details on the operations and funding criteria for EMET. You can find them below:

EMET Program Overview