Application and Enrolment Dates
Applicants for Selection into FACEM Training may apply in either Round 1 or Round 2. Access to ACEM’s Primary Exam resources will be available upon completion of enrolment and payment of all applicable fees. Applicants may submit one application per year only.
All applicants must commence training at the start of the following medical training year.
Key dates 2025
Round 1
Round 2
Prospective Trainee Information Session
29 April 2025
31 July 2025
Applications open
5 May 2025
4 August 2025
Applications close
3 June 2025
2 September 2025
All references due
24 June 2025
23 September 2025
Selection into Training Subcommittee meeting
29 July 2025
21 October 2025
Notification to applicants
19 August 2025
18 November 2025
Enrolment due*
17 November 2025
19 January 2026
* Enrolment is specified as acceptance of the Trainee Agreement and submission of an application to enrol. Applicants will be considered trainees upon payment of the enrolment fee and annual training fee and commencement of the medical training year.
Please Note: Due dates listed in the above table are observed until 23:59 Victorian time (AEST/AEDT, as appropriate) on the displayed date.
Before applying for selection into FACEM Training
Before applying for selection into FACEM Training, you should have read and understood the following:
If you are former trainee re-applying to the FACEM Training Program, please also read the following;
The ACEM Council of Education reserves the right to refuse any application for selection into FACEM Training. Any application that is not submitted in accordance with the FACEM Training Program regulations will not be accepted.
If you have any questions about the application process, please refer to our FAQs at the bottom of this page.
Am I eligible to apply for Selection into the FACEM Training Program?
Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to apply for selection into FACEM Training, you must satisfy all the following requirements by the closing date for your application round (Round 1 – 3 June 2025; Round 2 – 2 September 2025), and supply associated supporting documentation.
All supporting documentation must be clear, legible, and written in English. If the documentation is in another language, an official translation must be provided with the evidence.
Items listed on the application that are not substantiated by appropriate supporting documentation will not be considered. For more information about supporting documentation, please see ‘How to Apply’ below.
1. You must have one of the following:
2. You must have one of the following:
- Citizenship in the country of application, or
- Have been granted Permanent Residency status in the country of application, or
- The necessary visas to undertake training in the country of application.
3. You must have one of the following:
*Your registration must have no suspension, condition, restriction or undertaking imposed that limits you having unconditional medical registration in Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand as applicable.
4. You must be able to fulfil the requirements of the training program.
5. You must be in at least your third postgraduate year (PGY3).
6. You must have completed the following as a minimum:
ED placement requirements
- One 6-month (FTE) ED placement that must have been completed:
- in a single* Emergency Department where the applicant assesses and manages all types of patients in that Emergency Department (i.e. not only fast-track patients)
- in Australia or New Zealand
- entirely within the date range relevant to the round in which you are applying
- 5 May 2024 – 3 June 2025 if applying in Round 1
- 4 August 2024 – 2 September 2025 if applying in Round 2
- during or after PGY2
- at a minimum of 0.5 FTE
- if undertaking the placement at part-time, you will need to ensure that you have completed the required 6 FTE months. This can be calculated by multiplying your FTE by the total calendar months in the placement e.g. 0.75 FTE x 9 months worked = 6.75 FTE months
- applicants can combine split-placements in the same ED to meet this requirement, please refer to the FAQ section of this web page for additional information
*Please refer to the Selection into FACEM Training Policy for further information regarding what defines a single Emergency Department
- Your ED placement must NOT IN ANY PART be completed:
- at an Australian Urgent Care Centre
- of your six months FTE ED placement, no more than five weeks can be leave
Non-ED placement requirements
- Three placements in three different disciplines other than emergency medicine, each of which must have been completed:
- as a minimum of eight weeks full time equivalent (FTE) of clinical work at a single site, exclusive of any leave
- at a minimum of 0.5 FTE
- At least one of your non-ED placements must have been completed during or after PGY2. Non-ED placements may have been completed in PGY1 and/or overseas.
- Your non-ED placements must NOT IN ANY PART be completed:
- as a locum or casual employee
- as a relief placement
What if I am not eligible to apply?

If you will not be able to meet all eligibility requirements at the time of application, you are not eligible to apply for Selection into FACEM Training and would need wait until a future selection round to apply. If you believe that you have exceptional circumstances, you may apply via the Exceptional Circumstances and Special Consideration Policy to request a variation of eligibility requirements.
Any application for Special Consideration must be submitted prospectively, prior to the opening date for the round in which you are seeking to apply (Prior to 5 May 2025 if looking to apply in Round 1. Prior to 4 August 2025 if looking to apply in Round 2). Late applications for Special Consideration will not be accepted.
Former FACEM Trainees

If you are a former trainee, you must apply for selection into FACEM Training. There is no automatic right for any former trainee to be invited to re-enrol in the FACEM Training Program.
Former trainees seeking to apply for selection into FACEM Training and re-enrol into the FACEM Training Program must have a thorough understanding of the Policy on Former Trainees Applying for Selection.
Former trainees who successfully complete the selection process and are invited to re-enrol may be subject to specific conditions.
Am I eligible to apply for selection?
If you are a former trainee who (unless ineligibility rules apply);
- voluntarily withdrew from the FACEM Training Program prior to an event that may trigger processes for removal from the training program on one occasion, or
- was removed from the FACEM Training Program for failure to pay outstanding fees on one occasion,
you may apply for selection into FACEM Training, but only after a period of three years has elapsed since the time your initial period of training was terminated.
The following former trainees are not eligible to apply for selection into FACEM Training:
- Those who voluntarily withdrew from the FACEM Training Program after an event that triggers any aspect of Regulation B2. (removal from the training program) has occurred or that any process pursuant to that Regulation B2.7 has commenced.
- Those who have either voluntarily withdrawn or been removed from the FACEM Training Program for failure to pay, on two occasions.
- Those who have had a previous application to apply for Selection into FACEM Training declined by the Specialist Training and Assessment Committee (STAC), on two occasions.
- Those who were under suspension from the FACEM Training Program at the time of withdrawal.
- Those removed from the FACEM Training Program for compliance-related issues.
- Those removed from the FACEM Training Program for performance-related issues.
- Those who have previously been removed from a register of medical practitioners by a medical registration authority.
Trainees of other training programs

Trainees commencing the FACEM Training Program are not permitted to be enrolled in a vocational medical training program other than one recognised by ACEM for the purposes of joint training (RACP Paediatrics).
If you are currently enrolled in another vocational medical training program (including the Emergency Medicine Certificate, Intermediate Emergency Medicine Training Program or the Advanced Emergency Medicine Training Program), you must ensure that you will complete, or otherwise withdraw from, the course prior to completing your enrolment for the FACEM Training Program.
How to apply
An application for selection into FACEM Training does not guarantee a place on the FACEM Training Program. However, if you are successful in the selection process you will be invited to enrol by ACEM.
We recommend that you read through the Selection into Training Policy and our Information Guide on applications for Selection into the FACEM Training Program, to familiarise yourself with the form and requirements before you begin your application.
View a list of required supporting documentation for details of appropriate documentation for each section of the application below.
The ACEM Selection into FACEM Training process consists of three components: the Structured CV Form, Selection References and Institutional Reference. These are completed via the online application process and managed internally by the College.
Structured Curriculum Vitae Form

You are not required to submit a copy of your normal CV as part of your application. The application process will guide you through a structured CV form, where you will have the opportunity to detail relevant information with supporting documentation.
The structured CV form comprises:
- Personal details
- Eligibility criteria, including:
- Medical degree
- Citizenship/Permanent Residence status/Visa(s)
- Medical registration details
- Postgraduate Experience.
- You will be required to provide details of your most recent 6-month (FTE) ED placement that meets the eligibility criteria, from which you will be nominating your referees. You will also be required to submit details of all Non-ED placements of at least eight weeks (FTE), including dates, discipline, hospital and, if possible, your term supervisor. You will also need to provide full evidence for all placements you enter in your application.
- Selection Criteria, including:
- Relevant Professional Development
- Relevant Personal Development
- Rurality
- Indigenous origin/identity
All Relevant Professional Development courses that you have completed, as well as extra-curricular activities and achievements, must be substantiated by appropriate supporting evidence. Supporting documentation is not required for anything listed in the Relevant Personal Development section of the application.
Certain awards/achievements such as the three listed below should not be included, as they are not considered in the review of your application:
- Fellowships and Examinations of other Colleges – if selected into the program these qualifications may be eligible to receive credit towards some requirements of the FACEM Training Program.
- PhD Qualifications and research publications – if selected into the program, completed research projects may be eligible to contribute towards the research requirement of the FACEM Training Program, so are not considered as part of the selection process.
- Teaching activities without a clinical focus – teaching activities are only considered relevant to Emergency Medicine if they have a clinical focus.
Selection References

You must submit the details of four referees (including at least two FACEMs) from your most recently completed 6-month (FTE) Emergency Medicine placement completed within the specified date range for the round in which you are applying. Please see the ‘Eligibility Criteria’ above for full placement requirements.
Nominated referees must be able to provide an informed professional opinion of you in all areas of the reference. You should approach your referees before providing their details, and ensure that they know you, and your work, well enough to be able to provide an adequate reference. The Selection Criteria References document provides additional information about what curriculum domains referees will be asked to assess you against.
If a referee feels unable to provide their opinion, for example, due to lack of adequate knowledge of and/or contact with you, you will be informed by us and the details of another more suitable referee may be provided. We strongly recommend that prior to your application, you ensure that you are networking well and making yourself known to the persons you hope to secure a reference from.
Your selection referees must comprise the following roles:
- The Director of Emergency Medicine Training (DEMT), or the Director of EM (DEM) in departments not accredited for the FACEM Training Program;
- The Term Supervisor if this is not also the DEMT;
- One other senior EM consultant (FACEM), defined as at least three years since commencing employment as an EM consultant;
- One other senior clinician (medical or EM nurse) who has worked with you during your ED term. This may include non-EM consultants who have worked with you in the ED but must not be someone with whom you have worked exclusively in a non-ED term.
We expect that most applicants will be able to meet this requirement for referees. For those in specific circumstances (e.g. rural location) where the referee selection above cannot be met, please refer to the FAQs below or contact ACEM directly to confirm what alternatives will be acceptable.
Once your application is submitted, a request to complete the Selection Reference will be sent to your nominated referees for completion by the stipulated due date. You must ensure that your referees are able to submit your completed reference by the deadline.
For your application to be considered, your Institutional Reference and at least three Nominated References must be submitted. Please ensure that you follow up with your referees to obtain the minimum requirement.
Institutional Reference 

You must also submit the details of the Director of the Emergency Department (DEM) from your most recently completed full Emergency Medicine placement (minimum 6 months FTE), completed within the specified date range of the closing date for the round in which you are applying. Please see the ‘Eligibility Criteria’ above for further information.
Once your application is submitted, a request to complete the Institutional Reference will be sent to the DEM for completion by the stipulated due date. You should approach your DEM before providing their details, so they know to expect this request.
Relevant staff familiar with your ED clinical performance work together to complete the Institutional Reference, which assesses your suitability to train in the FACEM Training Program. The Selection Criteria References document provides additional information about what curriculum domains referees will be asked to assess you against.
What happens after I've applied?
Application Review

Your application, including the Structured Curriculum Vitae Form, Selection References and Institutional Reference are reviewed by the Selection Subcommittee against a standard deemed by us to be required of a doctor commencing FACEM Training. Offers to enrol in the FACEM Training Program will be made to all applicants who meet this standard.
Following completion of the Selection into FACEM Training process, you will be notified of the outcome of your application.
What happens if my application is successful?

If your application is successful, you will be invited to enrol into the FACEM Training Program and must do so by the due date or forfeit your invitation to enrol. You may also apply to defer the commencement of your training, which must also be done by the enrolment due date. Full details of enrolment and deferral can be found in our Trainee Enrolment Policy.
Successful applicants must note that training will not be credited towards FACEM Training until the commencement of the following medical training year. You must also obtain a training position in a site accredited for FACEM training and have completed the enrolment process, including payment of enrolment and annual training fees.
If you are currently enrolled in our Emergency Medicine Certificate (EMC), Intermediate (IEMTP) or Advanced (AEMTP) Program you may apply for the FACEM Training Program, but you must have either completed or withdrawn from the EMC, IEMTP or AEMTP before enrolling into the FACEM Training Program. Please check the EMATP exam dates to ensure you will have the opportunity to complete your program before your enrolment due date for the FACEM Training Program.
What happens if my application is unsuccessful?

Unsuccessful applicants will be notified and provided with feedback on your application, including a summary of the areas that were considered deficient.
If you are seeking to re-apply for Selection into FACEM training, you will be required to submit a new application and meet all relevant eligibility criteria at that time.
How many times can I apply for Selection into FACEM Training?

All applicants will be allowed a maximum of three attempts at Selection into the FACEM Training Program. As per all College decisions, the ACEM Reconsideration, Review and Appeals Policy applies.
If you are a successful applicant and do not accept your invitation to enrol, or apply to defer your enrolment, you will forfeit your offer of enrolment. Your selection application will be counted towards the maximum number of attempts allowed.
What can I do now to prepare?
What to expect in your first year of training
It’s important that anyone thinking of joining the FACEM Training Program read the ACEM website for an understanding of the FACEM Training Program from 2022. Further information regarding the training program will be updated here as soon as it becomes available. Your training is your responsibility, and prospective trainees need to be prepared for what will be expected of them throughout the training program. The key things you’ll need to prepare for are:
Starting your training

All trainees must commence training at the start of the relevant medical training year. If you do not have a placement for the start of the training year, you’ll need to enter an interruption to training.
6m ED in your first year

You need to complete at least 6 months Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) in a single approved Emergency Department (ED) within 12 months of starting your training.
Getting your placements sorted

Getting your rotations planned out early in your training can help you track your progress and ensure that you will meet the requirements of the program.
Primary Written Examination

You may not sit the Primary Written Examination before you commence the FACEM Training Program.
Those who are successful in Selection into FACEM Training and are invited to enrol will be able to apply to sit the Primary Written Exam at the start of the medical training year for which they have enrolled to commence training. All applicants must have completed their enrolment, including payment of all fees, to be eligible to apply to sit the exam.
Online Modules

As part of Training Stage 1 (TS1), you will need to complete the following online modules:
- Indigenous Health & Cultural Competence
- Assessing Cultural Competence
- Critical Care Airway Management
- ACEM Core Values
Other Information
Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer

Prospective trainees are able to submit an application for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer as soon as an application for Selection into FACEM Training has been submitted. Applying early will allow you to plan your training and rotations accordingly, based on any level of RPL that may be granted.
You must review the Policy on Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer, which sets out the principles and processes by which applications will be assessed. Should you wish to submit an application, please contact [email protected] and we will send you the appropriate forms.
Please note, if you have not undertaken training under another Specialist College or as part of another qualification, you are ineligible for RPL/Credit transfer under sections 2.1,2.2 and 4.1 of the Policy on Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer.
Early applications are encouraged however, trainees will need to ensure that any RPL application is submitted no later than 6 months after the commencement of enrolment in the FACEM Training Program.

To begin an application for Selection into FACEM Training, you will need to pay a non-refundable Selection into Training fee.
If your application is successful and you enrol into the FACEM Training Program, the Entrance Registration Fee and Annual Training Fee for the first year of training must be paid prior to the start of the training year.
Full details of the applicable fees can be found on our Fees and Payments page.
Are you experiencing financial hardship?
If you are experiencing financial hardship, you may apply to us for financial special consideration for fees to be paid in instalments according to an agreed payment schedule. Applications for financial special consideration must:
- Be made in writing to our Council of Education via email.
- Reach us prior to 1 January for the applicable training year.
If you cannot find the answer to your question here, please contact the Selection Team via email.
Eligibility Requirements

Q. I will have general registration by the start of the training year. Can I still apply?
A. No, you must have general registration at the time of application.
Q. I will have completed a full 6-month FTE placement in Emergency by the time the references are due. Can I still apply?
A. No, you must have completed a 6-month FTE placement in Emergency by the closing date for your application Round.
Q. Can I complete split-terms of ED to make up a full 6-month FTE placement when combined?
A. Yes, provided that you are completing the terms at the same site with the same DEMT and other referees, you do not need to complete the full term in one block. Each term will need to be at least 2 months FTE in duration and have been completed within the specified date range for the round in which you are applying.
Q. I have completed one 6-month (FTE) placement in Paediatric Emergency Medicine; will this count as my ED requirement?
A. There is currently no specification about which type of ED your requisite full term should be in. Therefore, a 6-month (FTE) placement at a single Paediatric ED will meet the requirement. Please see the ‘Eligibility Criteria’ section above for full placement requirements.
Q. I am currently working as a doctor overseas and would like to apply for Emergency Medicine training in Australia. What’s the process?
A. Overseas doctors that are not currently Emergency Medicine specialists in their home country are entitled to apply for FACEM training. Overseas doctors are subject to the same eligibility and selection criteria and must submit an application for Selection into FACEM Training to be considered.
Q. Why have the eligibility requirements changed?
A. The revised FACEM Training Program, implemented from the 2022 medical training year, applies a higher standard of assessment to the first stage of training in comparison to the previous Provisional Training phase. The increase in eligibility requirements aligns to this change, ensuring that trainees have appropriate levels of experience in both ED and non-ED experience before commencing training to be best placed to succeed in the training program. The increased ED requirements for Selection will also allow for referees to provide greater feedback, based on working with you over prolonged period.
Q. Do I need Permanent Residency to apply?
A. No, as a minimum, you must hold a visa that allows you to live and work in the country you wish to commence training in. The visa does not need to be valid for the duration of your projected training time, so long as it is valid at the time of application.
Completing the Application

Q. I’m a citizen of the country of application, but I don’t have a passport. What evidence should I provide?
A. Please provide evidence in the form of a birth certificate, and another official photographic ID such as a Driver’s Licence.
Q. My activities/achievements don’t seem to meet the specific criteria in the application form. Where should I include them?
A. The specific activities and achievements requested have been identified as specifically relevant to success in Emergency Medicine. Activities and achievements outside of this scope, while commendable, are not considered as part of the Selection process.
Q. Can I use Australian referees for my application if I intend to complete my training in Aotearoa New Zealand or vice versa?
A. Yes, your referees must be from your most recent 6-month (FTE) ED placement, regardless of where you are planning to complete your training. If your most recent ED term prior to application was in Australia, it is your referees from this term that should be nominated in your application, or vice versa. Please see the ‘Eligibility Criteria’ section above for full placement requirements.
Q. When nominating my referees, if the DEMT was also my term supervisor, who should I nominate for my fourth referee?
A. Your additional referee should be another EM Consultant.
Q. What if I can’t meet the criteria for nominated references?
A. If you have not worked with at least two FACEMs in your most recent term, you may instead nominate a Senior GP Specialist working in the ED.
Senior EM Consultants with less than 3 years’ experience, and additional senior clinicians can also be nominated in circumstances where you have not worked with individuals that meet the criteria.
If necessary, you may also nominate a Fellow of another college with a comparable training program, e.g. RACGP, ACRRM, RNZCGP, RNZCUC.
Q. There is no DEM or DEMT at my hospital. Who should I nominate for my Institutional Reference?
A. You should provide the details for your head of department or senior clinician. They do not need to be a FACEM.
Q. The DEM at my hospital is on leave or unavailable. Who should I nominate for my Institutional Reference?
A. You should confirm who is covering the DEM’s duties in their absence and provide their details instead. You should be able to find this out from the staff at the DEM’s Office.
Q. How many times can I apply for Selection into FACEM Training?
A. All applicants will be allowed a maximum of three attempts at Selection into the FACEM Training Program. As per all College decisions, the ACEM Reconsideration, Review and Appeals Policy applies.
If you are a successful applicant who does not accept your invitation to enrol, and do not apply to defer your enrolment, you will still have your selection application counted towards the maximum number of attempts allowed.
Q. I’m unsure if my supporting documentation meets the requirements, should I just upload it anyway?
A. No, it is important that the supporting documentation provided meets the documentation requirements. You may wish to use the required supporting documentation document to assist. If you are still unsure, please contact [email protected] and we would be happy to assist.
After Submitting Your Application

Q. How do I find out which of my referees hasn’t submitted their reference?
A. Due to confidentiality reasons, we can’t give you this information. We’d recommend that you contact all your referees to check they’ve received our email and remind them to complete the reference if they haven’t already done so.
Providing a reference for a candidate

Q. I’ve been nominated as a referee on a candidate’s application. What do I need to do?
A. Please read our information for referees to familiarise yourself with the process. Then visit and login with the credentials you received in the email.
Please note: This site is not part of the ACEM website; it is a stand-alone system, not part of the Member Portal, and your ACEM member logins (if you have them) will not work.