Modified ACEM CPD Program requirements for participants working outside Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand

Annual Modified ACEM CPD program requirements for members working outside Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand who are not registered to practice in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Minimum of 50 hours of CPD activities from the three (3) CPD categories (no minimum requirement required in any category):
    • Educational Activities o Reviewing Performance o Measuring Outcomes
    • Minimum of one (1) each of Airways, Breathing and Circulation procedural skills – by performance, teaching or supervision
    • Professional Development Plan (including the setting of goals at start of year and review and reflection at the end of year)

Members wishing to undertake the Modified ACEM CPD program should refer to Modified ACEM CPD Program Requirements for full details of the modified program requirements.

Cycle Modified ACEM CPD program requirements for members working outside Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand 
  • Minimum of 12 different scope of practice procedural skills by performance, teaching and supervision
  • Minimum of one (1) each of Airway, Breathing and Circulation procedural skills by performance

Members wishing to undertake the Modified ACEM CPD program requirements are required to register their interest using the application form – Application for Participation in Modified ACEM CPD Program Requirements for Participants Working outside Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand available via the My ACEM portal.