More than 900 emergency doctors from around Australia, New Zealand and beyond will gather in Perth from Sunday (November 18) for a series of workshops, discussions, keynote addresses, and plenaries, and social and networking opportunities at the ACEM 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting.

To be held at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, the meeting will run from 18-22 November and looks at the theme of being ‘On the Edge’.
Journalists are welcome to attend. Please email [email protected] to register, or phone 0498 068 023.

Follow the conference on twitter @acemonline #ACEM18.

The meeting will cover all the current controversial and not so controversial topics in clinical emergency medicine.

View the program.
ACEM ASM 2018 highlights include:

  • Dr Ken Milne – Keynote address. Dr Milne is Chief of Staff at South Huron Hospital Association in Exeter, Ontario, Canada. He is currently completing a research project on mindfulness and using this technique to prevent burnout among emergency physicians.
  • Associate Professor Anna Holdgate – Keynote address. A Sydney-based emergency physician with a distinguished record of 30 years in Australasian emergency medicine as a researcher, teacher and mentor, Associate Professor Holdgate will look back at the changing face of emergency medicine.
  • Dr Martin Than – Keynote address. An Emergency Medicine Specialist at the Canterbury District Health Board, New Zealand, Dr Than will explore artificial intelligence and what it means for emergency medicine.
  • Associate Professor Eillyne Seow – Keynote address. Vice President and founding figure of the Singapore College of Emergency Physicians, Associate Professor Seow will look at the need for resilience in emergency medicine and the ability to accept uncertainties.
  • Professor Tom Calma AO – The former Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner and Race Discrimination Commissioner will deliver the ACEM Foundation Lecture.

Visit the ACEM 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting website for more information, the program and latest news.


ACEM is the peak body for emergency medicine in Australia and New Zealand, responsible for training emergency physicians and advancement of professional standards.
Andre Khoury
ACEM Public Affairs Manager
03 8679 8813
0498 068 023
[email protected]